Hokie- Devil Parents

It's our big adventure! The Garners have moved to the Big Island of Hawaii and are loving life in paradise.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowed In

Thought I would share this before the boys wake up! What a great way to spend a snowy Saturday...I'm enjoying my coffee in *silence* (a rarity these days!), while the other Garners take a morning nap.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I Love Dots...Dots, Dots, Dots

Our child has a peculiar love of polka dots. I'm not sure what his obsession is, but it started with the multi-colored polka dot pattern on the cushion of his car seat handle. He fixates on it and then starts grinning, laughing, and talking to them. Case in point: We went for a walk in the stroller this weekend and he proceeded to have a 10 minute conversation of some sort with the dots. Note to Aubrey: It's okay son, as long as they're not talking back to you!

The love of all things polka dotted has now carried over to his toys, specifically, a gravitation towards giraffes. He particularly enjoys his Sophie Giraffe teether, and also really loves his stuffed giraffe, which is the trifecta of awesome baby toys: cool pattern, really soft texture, and long dangly legs to hold on to! Aubrey and his stuffed giraffe had fun hanging out in his swing last night, while he tried to cram her face in his mouth. (Hopefully a habit he will outgrow before he starts dating.) Here he is with his new love:

Awww, what a sweet boy. I really hope he doesn't have a strange complex when he grows up.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Our Shameless Social Experiment

We're not bad parents....really, we're not. But considering that Justin and I are both exhausted from the last few days of work and taking care of an extremely fussy, sick baby, we needed a bit of a rest. So we resorted to a trick Didi taught us over Christmas....we put Aubrey in his swing in front of the tv. (Insert feelings of guilt here.) Aubrey loves tv, and at this point I don't think it's a bad thing... the colors, shapes and sounds are stimulating (at least that's what I tell myself!) He has exhibited this excitement before, in particular over "Divine Design with Candice Olsen" (oooh, sparkly!) and "The Bachelor" (pretty ladies!) So when he got really excited over Disney Playhouse this morning, we entered into our first social experiment with our child.

First, here is how we quantify excitement:
1- Extreme kicking of the legs. He looks like he is riding a bike, furiously...think Tour De France through the Alps.
2- Arms in the air, to maintain balance while kicking. Think of the posture you would assume to ride a unicycle.
3- Vocalization, to include laughing and "talking" (vowel sounds and now "B" and "M" sounds).
4- Deer In The Headlights daze.

We observed this excitement over 3 different programs- Disney Playhouse with Mickey and the Gang; our regularly scheduled Sunday program, Meet the Press; and another Disney Playhouse show, Handy Manny. Here are our interpretations of Aubrey's feelings towards these shows:

Mickey and the Gang:
"Two thumbs up. That Mickey has huge ears.... I hear you grow into them. And look, Goofy has his own vegetable garden! Subsitence farming is the new rage."

Meet The Press:
On Bill Clinton- "I like his hair. Kind of looks like my Grandpa Doug's hair."
On George Bush- "That guy's funny. He has ears like Mickey."

Handy Manny (who appropriately was teaching about how not to spread germs):
"Hola amigo! Has anyone ever told you you sound like Caesar Milan? It must be cool to be friends with a talking wrench."

At least, that's what we think he was saying. But one thing's for sure, he definitely enjoyed himself. And it's not like we let him watch "Girls Next Door."

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Dog Ate My Bottle

Apparently I'm not the only one having a hard time transitioning back to work. Zoey The Dog, who has assumed the role of Aubrey's furry guardian and BFF, doesn't know what to do with herself now that we are gone all day and her baby is not around for her to keep an eye on. So in an act of boredom/ defiance/curiosty, she took it upon herself to tear into a bottle that was left in the living room and consume the remaining formula. Mmmm, tasty. I present Exhibit A, with Zoey's handiwork on the left as compared to an intact bottle on the right. Nice, huh? (Please also notice the nipple and tan peice are missing... thankfully I later found these under the furniture.)

So that is what I came home to a few nights ago, with the carnage left all over the floor. Of course this had to happen the week I returned to work, which was also the week that Aubrey came down with his first cold, ear infection, and constant diarrhea, and while Justin was working until midnight. Welcome to the life of a working mom!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The kid does impressions

Amazing, right? He's so talented.