Hokie- Devil Parents

It's our big adventure! The Garners have moved to the Big Island of Hawaii and are loving life in paradise.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cheeseburger in Paradise

I think most of you have heard about Aubrey's issues with breastfeeding by now. He is what we would call a "lazy eater." Meaning, he likes to graze... eat a little, fall asleep, come back for more, and start the whole process all over again. In addition, he prefers the baby bird method- I'll open my mouth and you pour it in. This doesn't work too fell for breastfeeding, or for his mom's schedule!

Well friends, we have reached a new all-time low. Now that he is bigger, he is also gaining some length in those little legs of his. (We are hoping he will become a swimmer like Michael Phelps, win countless gold medals, and share the millions with Mom and Dad... but that's another post.) Anyway, the last two times I have fed him in the glider, while he peacefully chowed down I realized that he had also propped his legs up on the arm of the chair. Seriously. Legs crossed at the ankles. Propped up. There might as well be a flashing neon sign across my chest that says "Margaritaville."

Two things come to mind. One, I wanted a little Zen Libra baby and apparently I got it! He may be destined to work in a beach shack one day selling umbrellas to tourists. And two, the meaning of his name, "Elfin King," seems to be very appropriate when it comes to eating! Now peel me a grape! .... Or, bring me a cheeseburger!

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