Hokie- Devil Parents

It's our big adventure! The Garners have moved to the Big Island of Hawaii and are loving life in paradise.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Weekend Update

The Garner family spent the weekend enjoying the lovely spring weather (and trying to avoid the yellow pollen haze!) Aubrey, as usual, was his happy-go-lucky self, and continues to be a very active little boy! Updates on our Buddy:

1- Aubrey has become very dexterous! He intentionally reaches for objects, grasps them and picks them up. For example, if his pacifer falls out, he will bend over, pick it up and put it back in himself. While this newfound self- sufficiency is very helpful for Mommy and Daddy, it can also be a challenge. This weekend I experienced Aubrey's first nuclear meltdown not related to being hungry, having a wet diaper, or being sleepy... he has discovered the remote control and is determined to hold onto it while we watch tv. (It must be something in that Y chromosome. I seem to know someone else in our household who has the same affliction.) When he wants to play with the remote, I take the batteries out so that he doesn't accidentally order a pay-per-view movie, or re-program our tv with all the button pushing. Apparently, I wasn't doing this fast enough on Saturday, because he totally lost it. Screaming, crying, shaking, flailing, the works. The world was a good place again once he got the remote. We might have a problem on our hands.

2- This dexterity also means that he reaches for grown-up food constantly if it's within reach. (Apparently the apples and carrots just aren't cutting it. He eyes a hamburger with a passion like I have never seen.) Justin was playing with Aubrey yesterday when he spotted a bee flying around in the living room. He had to quickly pass Aubrey off to me, which happened to be while I was finishing off the last of our Easter Peeps. Aubrey spotted his "in" and right when I picked him up, he grabbed my hand and shoved a delicious yellow Peep in his mouth. Talk about opportunistic! The look of accomplishment on his face was priceless... not to mention his yellow tongue and the ring of sugar around his mouth. Again, we might have a problem on our hands.

3- Also, our favorite friend Kinsey came to visit from Atlanta on Saturday. Above are the pics she took of our little family!

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